It's all fun and games until you find out that you best friend slept with your gay ex boyfriend. On this week's party-tastic episode of Girls that's exactly what happened when Elijah finally slipped up and admited he slept with Marnie.
So who's the "Bad Friend" now?
Hannah finally got a paid writing gig, which is not an easy thing in this world, that much I know. I also know that though this episode was filmed at the club Greenhouse in NYC and that those are not the real bathrooms at Greenhouse. But that's neither here nor there.
In a slightly shady but really aggressive move, Hannah took a gig for a website called Jazzhate that I'm pretty sure is run by Adam Sandler's ex fiancee from The Wedding Singer. The motto of the site is "the magic happens just outside your comfort zone." When Hannah rejected the idea of having a threesome with some people she met on Craigslist, went for option B: try a ton of cocaine and write about it.
Obviously Elijah was more than happy to take this journey with her. He got to spend a night partying with his best friend and best roommate ever. Andrew Andrew DJed and Hannah exchanged shirts in the middle of the club to put on some dude's yellow mesh tank top, nipples splayed to the world. In real life, she would likely be kicked out for public nudity, but we'll suspend reality for the purpose of the show.
I'm not at all surprised that Elijah ended up being the one who slipped up about him and Marnie, even though he was the one who begged Marnie not to tell. By the way, did anyone catch the hilariously young photo of Andrew Rannells on his Colorado license? Amazing. I am surprised, however, that Hannah hooked up with the junkie Laird from her building. Although, truthfully, should anything that Hannah does shock us anymore? Probably not.
Booth Jonathan, aka Jorma Taccone from The Lonely Island, finally got to fulfill his Girls season 1 promise to Marnie: have sex with her. After seeing her in her slutty Von Trapp uniform, who could resist? Marnie gushed over his kinda freaky art, including a panic attack inducing pod of televisions and they finally got it on while he made her stare at a doll. Whatever floats your boat, Marnie.
It's too bad Hannah showed up to confront her about being a bad friend or her night would've been perfect. Not much Shoshanna and Jessa this week but the rest of the episode definitely made up for their absence. I can't stop listening to the Iconapop song "I Love It" from the club. This week also showcased my favorite quote of the season so far.
It's a Wednesday night baby and I'm alive! | permalink
Something about Hannah's perfect delivery of that line just makes it that much better. What did you all think of this week's episode of Girls? Best one of the season or did you miss Shosh and Jessa? Hit the comments!