When inputting my quotes from the latest installment of Girls, I noticed that a lot of the notable one liners came from Marnie. In "Leave Me Alone," she and Hannah had their most epic fight to date, even worse than the time Marnie doused Hannah in a drink and called her a bitch.
What led these two besties into harsh territory? Well, it seems that Hannah and Marnie had been feeling resentful towards each other for awhile. All it took to get the fight moving was a trigger.
The trigger in this case was an old nemesis of Hannah's named Tally Schifrin. Tally's the kind of girl who is all about the success and not afraid to rub it in your face. Obviously this is not someone who would mesh well with Hannah. Especially because Tally has the one kind of success that Hannah really wants: recognition for her writing.
Enter guest star Michael Imperioli, known to many as Christopher Moltisanti from The Sopranos. I love when HBO keeps it in the family! As Hannah's former writing professor and crush, she was thrilled when Imperioli agreed Tally was a crappy writer and invited Hannah to read a piece at a workshop. I would've liked to hear her piece on the hoarder.
Maybe it's "trivial" as Ray said, but not everything that's written has to be some stone cold moving piece about a really serious topic. People need humor and entertainment in life! Also, who the hell takes Ray's advice?!? He runs a place called "Cafe Grumpy," which might as well be his alter ego.
I feel like this episode was kind of a wake up call. A lot of it was about going after you really want, or at least admitting what you really want. Whether it was creating an Internet dating profile for Shoshanna or Jessa's old boss very honest talk with her, it felt like everyone was taking off their rose colored glasses and just hoping for things to change.
Katherine made a great point to Jessa about distracting ourselves from the person we might end up being because it might not be who we pictured when we were 16. I love Jessa's character for being so whimsical and not taking everything so seriously, but I understand what Katherine is saying.
I think Marnie and Hannah are definitely experiencing some growing pains as well. Hannah wants to be taken more seriously as a writer after Tally's party so she took Ray's advice and Marnie is just fed up with everything. Their fight at the end was frighteningly real from the point of view of this 26-year old girl. I sat there kind of holding my breath because I couldn't believe how honest these two were to each other's faces.
Marnie and Hannah said a lot of things tonight, some I'm sure they didn't mean, some I'm sure they did. What did you think of their fight? What do you expect on next week's finale? Hit the comments!