While last week's controversial episode of Girls was centered only around Hannah and her fling Joshua, all the characters were back for "Boys." And while the girls were indulging in and experiencing some adult things, this episode really just served to show how UN-adult they all are.
Also, Marnie apparently thought she was starring in Zoolander and not an episode of Girls. She looked weirdly hot, but that ensemble was purely Derelicte.
Did anyone think for one second that Booth was asking her to co-host the party? He blatantly and clearly asked "will you host for me?" Did Marnie actually like Booth or do you think she was more attracted to his artist lifestyle and his work?
As much as I was thinking "oy, Marnie no," and was pissed at how superior she was acting to Hannah, the truth is they're all self-involved because that's my generation. Hannah was rambling on about her book when Jessa was depressed after separating from her husband. When it comes down to it, I actually genuinely felt bad for Marnie. Ladies, who among you hasn't been in her situation before where you think you're dating someone or exclusive with them and find out they have like five side pieces? Or that they just aren't ready for a relationship?
Shoshanna is falling in love with Ray as we know from the dinner party from hell. Ray is kinda depressed and definitely lost. I think Shosh was just trying to help him. She loves him but she does want those dates with the mood lighting. The whole bonding scene between Ray and Adam was really a trip.
First of all, Adam is crazy. Let's just say it, the guy is nuts. He stole a dog, he's angry, and he's still in love with Hannah. He got so defensive when Ray was trying to bond with him by doing that whole "yeah man you're ex did you wrong and sucks" thing and Adam per usual said he was "out." Poor Ray was stuck on Staten Island getting screamed at by some trashy pig while trying to return a really hyper Cujo dog.
At least he was semi impressed and supportive of Hannah's e-book. I wonder what's she's going to write about and if she's going to be able to complete it!
Usually when people say they wanna be a writer they really don't do anything except, ya know, eat and masturbate. | permalink
So do you think Hannah will complete the book? Did you feel bad when Ray was crying? Will Marnie and Hannah ever be truly close best friends again? Hit the comments!